Netflix released the official trailer for its highly anticipated original series, Narcos, starring Brazilian actor Wagner Moura as Pablo Escobar, also known as the “King of Cocaine.” Set in Miami during the 1980s, the series will follow the illegal drug-trade and subsequent “war on drugs” of the time, with a focus on Escobar and the Medellín Cartel.
Boyd Holbrook and Game of Thrones star Pedro Pascal will play DEA agents Steve Murphy and Javier Peña, respectively, who will do whatever it takes to take down Escobar, even if that means sacrificing their own lives.
Filmed in Escobar’s native Colombia, Moura had to learn how to speak Spanish for the historical drama directed by Jose Padilha. The cast includes Juan Pablo Raba, Manolo Cardona, Stephanie Sigman, Ana de la Reguera, Luis Guzman, André Mattos and British theater actress Joanna Christie.
Eric Newman, Doug Miro, Carlos Bernard, and Chris Brancato will helm executive producer duties. The series is produced by Gaumont International Television.
All ten episodes of Narcos will premiere on August 28 exclusively on Netflix.
Click below to watch the complete trailer: