Demi Lovato y Wilmer Valderrama están nuevamente de luto. El domingo 27 de diciembre la cantante reveló a través de su cuenta de Instagram que su perro Spawn había fallecido.

“Te extraño mucho, hermoso. Desde que te conocí, hace seis años, me sentí intimidada por tu tamaño y fuerte presencia… pero logré conocerte y aprendí que simplemente eras un gran oso de peluche”, fue el mensaje que escribió Lovato acompañado de una foto en Instagram. “Extrañaré la manera en la que me saludabas cada vez que llegaba a casa, o cuando salía. Extrañaré lo mucho que protegías a Buddy y a Batman y cómo lograbas mantenerte siempre paciente cuando ellos eran unos cachorros. Extrañaré tu forma de pedirme cariño”.

La cantante agregó: “Decirte adiós me rompió el corazón y sentí como si me hubiese despedido de un miembro familiar (…) Te amamos tanto Spawn, te extrañamos mucho y nunca te olvidaremos”.

I miss you so much already beautiful boy. When I first met you 6 years ago, I was intimidated by your size and your strong presence.. But as I got to know you, I learned you were just one big teddy bear. One handsome teddy bear that's for sure. I'm going to miss the way you greeted me at my car every time I came home or simply when I stepped outside. I'm going to miss the way you were so protective of Buddy and Batman and never got annoyed with them when they were excited hyper puppies. I'm going to miss the way you would nudge at my hand if I wasn't petting you. I'll even miss the way I'd need a Benadryl every time you'd give me kisses just like the way you're giving me kisses in this very picture. All the sneezes, the runny noses, even the occasional hives.. They were all worth it with you. Saying goodbye absolutely broke my heart and I felt as if I was saying farewell to a family member. The only thing that brings me comfort in this situation is knowing that Buddy is probably really happy he now gets to play with his big brother in Heaven.. We love you so much Spawn.. We miss you so much and we will never ever EVER forget you. RIP baby boy.. 💔👼🏼🕊

A post shared by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on

Por su parte, Wilmer también compartió dos fotos de él con la mascota junto a un mensaje que decía: “Ayer le dije adiós a mi hermoso Spawn. Este año ha sido una montaña rusa… muchas emociones mezcladas. Este chico estuvo conmigo en todo momento durante los últimos ocho años. Ocho años de recuerdos, de subidas y bajadas”.

Yesterday, I said goodbye to my handsome boy Spawn, this year has been quite a roller coaster.. Lots of emotions and lots thresholds crossed. This boy was there for it all.. 8 years worth of memories and ups and downs. since he was a puppy he had this human like presence, everyone that knew this boy know exactly what I'm talking about.. No matter what I'd be going through he just knew and would rest his little head on my lap as if saying "dad it's never that bad".. I would immediately smile and say "ok ok you're right". He had this presence, I mean he was just so freaking handsome.. Bitches loved him and lads wanted to be him HAHA.. He loved people and people LOVED him.. He was the BEST and perfect dog.. So polite, so welcoming and just good GOOD boy.. I have never had such a loving dog.. He just loved being around us all.. He never lost his innocence.. He would keep my mom company all day.. Wherever she move he'd follow as if taking care of her. Spawn my boy you completed our family.. You were the alpha and my son.. I saw you go from a little pup with your ears taped to the most beautiful Doberman I have ever seen.. I love you so much and I am going to miss you so freaking much.. Touching you and kissing you for the last time last night was so painful.. I just kept thinking I hope he's feeling my touch and hearing me say he was my son and that I loved him.. But I know he knows!! Spawn! now go play with Buddy.. I'm sure he'll be less annoyed this time.. I hope you are both sharing treats and running together.. I miss you both. Two little wolves and #Wolfpack Family in heaven.. Be good spawnie till I see you again.. And don't worry about Lucy, we are gonna take care of her till its time for her to see you. #RIPSpawn WV Part 1

A post shared by Wilmer Valderrama (@wilmervalderrama) on

En la segunda imagen se puede ver a Spawn y al actor compartiendo un tierno momento juntos.

Thinking of how loving you were my handsome boy.. I miss you Spawn.. #RIPSpawn Part 2

A post shared by Wilmer Valderrama (@wilmervalderrama) on

Hace unos meses, Demi perdió también a su cachorrito Buddy después de un trágico accidente. En agosto nos presentó a su nuevo perro, en cual la pareja nombró Batman.

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