La tenista Serena Williams se ha auto proclamado una superhéroe, luego de enfrentar a un hombre que robó su celular en un restaurante.

Williams compartió su ‘aventura’ en su cuenta de Instagram, en donde junto a una foto vestida de superhéroe, contó que mientras se encontraba cenando esta semana en un restaurante de comida china, un hombre sospechoso se paró junto a su mesa. “Este sujeto se para al lado mío y algo (ahora creo que fueron my sentidos de superhéroe) me dijeron que lo vigilara.

Serena estaba en lo correcto, ya que después de permanecer a su lado por varios minutos, el hombre disimuladamente tomó el teléfono de la famosa tenista de la mesa y se fue corriendo. “Miré la silla y grite, ‘Omg ese sujeto tomó mi teléfono’ sin pensar reaccioné (por eso la foto de superhéroe) me paré, salí del acogedor restaurante (tumbando una silla o dos) y lo perseguí”.

Soooooo yesterday at dinner the CRAZIEST THING happened to me. I was sitting enjoying some Chinese food (delicious may I add) and this guy stands next to me. It was only 2 of us sitting at a 4 person table just chatting like we have not seen each other in years. Anyways I digress, so this guy is standing next to me and something (I have now dubbed it my SUPERHERO sense) told me to watch him. My phone was sitting in the chair but I just didn't feel right. He was there too long. "Is he a customer?" I thought "Is he waiting on the bathroom?" nonetheless I tried to shake his this eerie feeling. However, I kept watching him from the corner of my eye. Than when least expected low and behold this common petty thief grabbed my phone and swiftly left. I looked at the chair, than shouted "Omg that dude took my phone!!" Not thinking I reacted (hence the superwoman photo) I jumped up, weaved my way in and out of the cozy restaurant (leaping over a chair or two) and chased him down. He began to run but I was too fast. (Those sprints came in handy) I was upon him in a flash! In the most menacing yet calm no nonsense voice I could muster I kindly asked him if he "accidentally" took the wrong phone. He stumbled on his words probably not expecting this to happen. While he was thinking of the right thing to say and eventually he said "Gosh you know what I did! It was so confusing in there. I must have grabbed the wrong phone." Meanwhile My phone was ringing, my superhero sidekick quailman was face timing me so he could not possibly deny the allegations. I swiftly thanked him and left. Superhero? Maybe? Or HELL YEA!! I've got the speed the jumps, the power, the body, the seduction, the sex appeal, the strength, the leadership and yet the calm to weather the storm. Always listen to your superhero inner voice. Always keep your things close! Fight for what's right. Stand for what you believe in! Be a superhero! When I got back into the restaurant I received a standing ovation. I was proud. I just showed every man in there I can stand up to bully's and other men. It was a win for the ladies! Just because you are a…

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Gracias a su riguroso entrenamiento, Serena pudo alcanzar al sujeto, quien estaba corriendo, y lo enfrentó, como toda una heroína. “En el tono más amenazante, pero calmado que me salió, amablemente le pregunté si ‘accidentalmente’ había cogido el teléfono equivocado. Él tartamudeó un poco, probablemente porque no esperaba que esto pasara. Mientras pensaba en algo correcto que decir, eventualmente dijo, ‘¡Dios sabes lo que hice! Era tan confuso allá adentro. Debí haber tomado el teléfono equivocado'”.

Definitivamente Serena sabe como cuidarse por sí sola, y al publicar su historia, espera que otras mujeres puedan hacerlo también. “Cuando regresé al restaurante recibí una ovación de pie. Estaba orgullosa. Le demostré a todos los hombres que estaban allí que puedo enfrentarme a los bullies y a otros hombres. Es una victoria para las mujeres”, escribió.

Mira el video de todo lo sucedido.

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