'American Idol Season Finale', Los Angeles,
Jim Smeal/BEI/BEI/Shutterstock

La finalista de la competencia American IdolJaclyn Cole Miskanic —mejor conocida como Jax—, reveló que se encuentra en plena lucha contra el cáncer de tiroides.

Según reportó CBS News (y confirmó Jax a través de su cuenta de Instagram), la cantante fue diagnosticada a principios de este año y se sometió a una operación para quitarle la tiroides y varios nódulos linfáticos.

La cantante y compositora de 20 años, original de Nueva Jersey, explicó que decidió ir al médico luego de tener problemas respiratorios y agotamiento durante gran parte de su participación en American Idol.

La artista recibió el diagnóstico una semana después de ofrecer un concierto sold out en abril. Sostuvo que sentía que algo no estaba bien cuando estaba grabando en el estudio, fue en ese momento cuando llegó a una sala de emergencias, donde le encontraron 18 tumores en la tiroides.

Desde la operación ha sido tratada con radiación en Nueva York.

The work, pressure, & travel in music is not always so forgiving on the mind and heart. It absolutely takes its toll on your body. Sometimes I think the universe is yelling at me to slow down and I just blatantly ignore it. I have always been obsessed with my job and craft, so stopping and breathing isn't easy for me. However, my health has to come first. I understand that now. Recently my family and I were given a serious wake up call… As I was recording and doing press out on the West Coast, I noticed that I was waking up in a very dark place everyday. Stress has always been a weight in my life, but over the course of a few weeks something felt different. I was losing my voice often, and struggling to keep my eyes open and my moods/energy consistent. My happiness was the last concern on my priority list and my folks new something was definitely up. So, long story short, I came back home to NY for a bit (we had just sold out my first homecoming show since tour at Webster Hall in Manhattan) to rehearse. While grocery shopping with my parents, I felt a small lump on my throat. We really didn't think much of it, as I mentioned I tend to ignore bumps in the road (pun intended) for the sake of speed and production. I was homeschooled so my lame immune system is always giving out on me. Either way, my mom and dad thought it would be a good idea to check it out just in case, so I went in for some ultrasounds and tests (via Urgent Care believe it or not). A few appointmets later, I was definitively diagnosed with Hashimoto disease. The doctors found 18 tumors on my Thyroid…Which would explain what I had been going through emotionally. I'm pretty convinced after all this that my Thyroid is more important than my actual brain. After that diagnosis, my Thyroid specialist wanted to double check and biopsy the tumors to make sure they were not cancerous. It is unlikely for Thyroid cancer to occur in younger people. I went into the hospital for a biopsy on the tumors, performed my show at Webster Hall, and got a call from the hospital a few days later. It turned out that 12 out of the 18 tumors tested positive for cancer…Continue reading at Crowdrise.com/JAXPACK❤️

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“Dios nunca te da más de lo que puedes manejar”, escribió Jax en su cuenta de Twitter. Además, según CBS, a pesar del diagnóstico, la cantautora dijo que correrá el Maratón de Nueva York el próximo 6 de noviembre.

Jax participó en la edición número 14 de la competencia de talento.

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