In the new trailer for the film Lord Jones is Dead, two journalists from rival papers (played by Chad Krowchuk and Daniel Janks) and a photographer (Jonathan Pienaar) are sent to stake out a woman’s house who is allegedly having an affair with a high-profile government minister. The trio are told not to return without a story, but they’re not even sure they’re at the right house or that they even have the right girl!
Neither reporter can leave without a story, so what will they do? Make it up?
“So what you’re saying is we’re going to be outside on one of the hottest days of the year waiting for a girl who may or may not live in this house that may or may not belong to her because she may or may not be having an affair with the public works minister,” Samuel (Krowchuk) asks in the trailer.
Vincent (Janks) responds, “More or less.”
Lord Jones is Dead is directed by Austin Andrews (Oblivion, How My Next Door Neighbour Discovered Life on Mars) and Andrew Holmes (Ice Guardians, The Culture High). The film opens in Canadian theaters in July.