Amber Tamblyn 26th Annual Pen Center

Han sido muchas las reacciones luego de que saliera a relucir el video en el que el candidato presidencial Donald Trump y el presentador de televisión Billy Bush sostienen una conversación sexual subida de tono.

Muchos famosos han expresado a través de las redes sociales preocupación y desagrado a los comentarios que Trump hizo hace diez años atrás. Una de ellas fue la actriz Amber Tamblyn, quien  en vez de emitir una opinión, reveló una experiencia en la que sufrió abusos por parte de una expareja.

“Esa parte de mi cuerpo, la cual el actual candidato presidencial de los Estados Unidos Donald Trump describió como algo por donde él quisiera agarrar a las mujeres, quedó golpeada por la violencia de mi exnovio por al menos una semana” dijo la actriz en un largo comunicado en su cuenta de Instagram

I need to tell you a story. With the love and support of my husband, I've decided to share it publicly. A very long time ago I ended a long emotionally and physically abusive relationship with a man I had been with for some time. One night I was at a show with a couple girlfriends in Hollywood, listening to a DJ we all loved. I knew there was a chance my ex could show up, but I felt protected with my girls around me. Without going into all the of the details, I will tell you that my ex did show up, and came up to me in the crowd. He's a big guy, taller than me. The minute he saw me, he picked me up with one hand by my hair and with his other hand, he grabbed me under my skirt by my vagina— my pussy?— and lifted me up off the floor, literally, and carried me, like something he owned, like a piece of trash, out of the club. His fingers were practically inside of me, his other hand wrapped tightly around my hair. I screamed and kicked and cried. He carried me this way, suspended by his hands, all the way across the room, pushing past people until he got to the front door. My friends ran after him, trying to stop him. We got to the front door and I thank God his brothers were also there and intervened. In the scuffle he grabbed at my clothes, trying to hold onto me, screaming at me, and inadvertently ripped off my grandmother’s necklace, which I was wearing. The rest of this night is a blur I do not remember. How I got out to the car. How I got away from him that night. I never returned for my necklace either. That part of my body, which the current Presidential Nominee of the United States Donald Trump recently described as something he’d like to grab a woman by, was bruised from my ex-boyfriend's violence for at least the next week. I had a hard time wearing jeans. I couldn’t sleep without a pillow between my legs to create space. To this day I remember that moment. I remember the shame. I am afraid my mom will read this post. I'm even more afraid that my father could ever know this story. That it would break his heart. I couldn't take that. But you understand, don't you? I needed to tell a story. Enjoy the debates tonight.

A post shared by Amber Tamblyn (@amberrosetamblyn) on

Tambley también expresó que sentía preocupación porque sus familiares pudieran leer la historia que estaba haciendo pública,  pero al día siguiente la actriz explicó a través de Twitter que su padre había leído su historia y que la había apoyado. “Las mujeres no son para ser agarradas. Son para ser electas como Presidentes” le dijo su padre.

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