Katy Perry Capitol Records Star of
Chelsea Lauren/REX/Shutterstock

Las protestas no cesan por la construcción del oleoducto de Dakota del Norte, en un territorio de indígenas. Desde hace más de ocho meses que los manifestantes se dan cita en la reserva, para proteger al río Missouri de ser contaminado en caso de que haya un escape de aceite.

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Katy Perry escribió en sus redes sociales, una reflexión sobre lo que está pasando en la reserva.

On #Thanksgiving, a day with complex origins, I want to speak up in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and their protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with what is going on in North Dakota. While it may not be on your front pages, this is not a frightening series of events for “them”, it is frightening series of events for all of us. The pipeline in question, would carry crude oil through land sacred to indigenous peoples and put a crucial water supply at risk. We have seen the results of unintended oil spills before and they are crippling to the health of the surrounding people and environment. To all those peacefully protesting to protect history, to protect that which is personally sacred and to protect our life sustaining water sources, we are here shoulder to shoulder with you across this country. We cannot afford to be complacent with our rights and we cannot afford to be complacent with the rights of our neighbor. Testimonies from the protests alarm me and should alarm all of us: Some 400 people who were held in detention during demonstrations have suffered what Mr. Kiai (UN Special Rapporteur) called “inhuman and degrading conditions.” He is concerned over both the scale of arrests and the conditions in which American citizens are being held.“ Marking people with numbers and detaining them in overcrowded cages, on the bare concrete floor, without being provided with medical care, amounts to inhuman and degrading treatment,” he said. Protestors have reported facing rubber bullets, teargas, mace, compression grenades, and bean-bag rounds while voicing their concerns over the environmental impact of the pipeline and throughout their attempts to protect burial grounds and other sites that are sacred to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. – UN.org During this holiday and beyond, let us stand in solidarity with all those who are trying to protect it. I made a donation and I hope you can too today. See the link in my bio how you can donate. Also, it's easy to donate in 🇺🇸 by texting WATER to 82623 #IStandWithStandingRock #NoDAPL #waterislife 📸 by Bill Mckibben

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“En Acción de Gracias, un día con orígenes tan complejos quiero hablar en apoyo de la reserva Standing Rock Sioux y sus protestas por el acceso al oleoducto de Dakota. Por favor tomen un momento para enterarse de lo que está sucediendo en Dakota del Norte. Aunque puede que no esté en las primeras páginas, estos no son unos eventos aterradores para ‘ellos’, son una serie de eventos aterradores para todos nosotros. El oleoducto transportaría crudo por tierra sagrada para los indígenas y pone el suministro de agua en riesgo. Hemos visto los resultados de los derrames de petróleo anteriormente y son un peligro para la salud y el medio ambiente. A todos esos quienes están protestando para proteger la historia, para proteger algo que es sagrado y para proteger las fuentes de agua, estamos aquí hombro a hombro con ustedes alrededor del país. No podemos ser complacientes con nuestros derechos y no podemos ser complacientes con los derechos de nuestro vecino”.

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La Guardia Nacional y la policía del estado han arrestado a más de 500 personas desde agosto, incluyendo a la actriz Shailene Woodley.

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